Tasmanian Association of State Superannuants
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About Us

Objectives and Structure

The Tasmanian Association of State Superannuants Incorporated (TASS) is a voluntary organisation established in Tasmania.

Our purpose is to look after and promote the best interests of State Superannuants - i.e. those that have retired from State service and are in receipt of a Life Pension from the Retirement Benefits Fund (RBF) Board or those who are still working, and are members of the RBF Contributory Fund.

The main objectives of TASS are to maintain an effective representative association and either separately or in conjunction with similar organisations to advocate and contribute to the development of government policies which protect the living standards of State Superannuants.

We publish an informative newsletter called "Super News" each quarter. Examples of previous newsletters can be found under News.

We are affiliated with COTA (Council on the Ageing) Tasmania which is a leading advocate and source of trusted information representing the rights of older Tasmanians, and ACPSRO (Australian Council of Public Sector Retiree Organisations) which is the peak council for eleven organisations representing retired civilian and military public sector workers from the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments.

We hope you will find this website informative and helpful, and that you will decide to join our organisation.