Tasmanian Association of State Superannuants
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2024 Meeting Schedule

Tuesday 9th January Executive Motor Yacht Club Tasmania 1.30pm
Tuesday 6th February Executive Motor Yacht Club Tasmania 1.30pm
Tuesday 19th March AGM/Forum Motor Yacht Club Tasmania 1.30pm Presentation by the Tasmania Police Cybercrime Unit
Tuesday 30th April Executive Motor Yacht Club Tasmania 1.30pm
Tuesday 28th May Executive Motor Yacht Club Tasmania 2.00pm
Tuesday 16th July Executive Motor Yacht Club Tasmania 1.30pm
Tuesday 17th September Executive Motor Yacht Club Tasmania 1.30pm
Tuesday 24th September Northern Forum Peppers Silos Hotel 89-91 Lindsay Street Launceston Presentation by the Tasmania Police Cybercrime Unit 1.30pm
Tuesday 15th October Executive Motor Yacht Club Tasmania 1.30pm
Tuesday 19th November Executive Motor Yacht Club Tasmania 1.30pm

The dates are subject to change if necessary due to COVID, or guest/venue availability. Physical Executive meetings may be replaced by Zoom meetings as necessary.